Keep God Weird

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Magic of Meditation

"Meditation gives us peace of head without a tranquilizer. And unlike a tranquilizer, the peace of head that we acquire from speculation makes not melt away." - Sri Chinmoy

Got stress? With the high degrees of uncertainness and insecurity all around us these days, it looks like the perfect clip to speak about a simple, easy and free manner to loosen up and experience good - Meditation. As we know, too much emphasis not only ages us prematurely but is also the perpetrator behind a countless of physical and emotional issues including chronic pain, high blood pressure, asthma, insomnia, depression, anxiousness and even obesity.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, a frequent invitee on Oprah, states that speculation is the figure 1 counterpoison to stress. According to Dr. Oz, meditating for just a few proceedings a twenty-four hours lets you to "reboot your engine and acquire back on track." More and more than medical docs are prescribing speculation over medication, deeming it a safe and simple manner to advance overall health.

The usage of speculation to relieve agony and advance healing have been around for some 5,000 years, popping up in surprisingly diverse civilizations - including Republic Of India in 3,000 BCE, 5th century Syrian Arab Republic and Jordan, 10th century Japan, as well as Republic Of Poland and Soviet Union in the 1700's. Even though speculation have its roots in Negro spiritual traditions, practicing speculation makes not necessitate a displacement in personal doctrine or spiritual beliefs.

What's not to love? Meditation costs nothing, necessitates no particular equipment, can be practiced anywhere at any time, is not time-consuming (15-20 infinitesimals per twenty-four hours is good) and have no negative side effects. Here are some of the profound wages of meditation:

  • Meditation deepens our connexion with Source. Some phone call it an interior Communion with God. Johannes Eckhart Tolle states speculation aligns us with the totality. Meditators often sense a unity with everything and everyone.

  • Meditators study an increased sense of well-being, sharper minds, dramatically improved mental health, less stress, better relationships, more than fulfilling lives, and greater confidence. With increased Life Military Unit Energy, verve and enthusiasm for life, meditators experience more than than than awake, more aware, and more alive.

  • Using cutting-edge scanning technology, neuroscientists are able to watch the meditating head at work. Among other findings, they have got discovered that meditators bring forth more than enjoyable encephalon chemicals than non-meditators and that longtime meditators don't lose grey substance in their encephalons with age the manner others do.

Even though 100s of billions of people throughout the human race now meditate on a regular basis, there are still those who see speculation to be weird, even scary. If you're new to speculation and desire to give it a try, here are some ways to ease into it.

  • First of all, you don't have got to be soundless and still to meditate. Many types of speculation include vocal repeat of a mantra and others include physical activity such as as Qigong or Thai Chi. You can even attain a meditative state literally "on the run" in a procedure called sacred running.

  • The easiest manner to begin meditating is to just sit down down and take a breath for a few minutes. Simply fold your eyes, relax, and focusing on your breath as it comes in and go forths your body. As your head wanders, gently re-focus your attending on your breathing, allowing any ideas to float away. This simple activity is both bracing and calming.

  • Guided speculation is another no-fuss manner to leap in. There are many first-class guided speculations available on cadmium and mp3 download - some of them free. I even establish a free speculation timer online.

"It's wish coming home." This is the manner some meditators depict the consolation and peace speculation brings. As you go on to drill meditation, you will happen that your life acquires better - and easier - and more than fun. You will tap into a higher degree of consciousness and truly KNOW that All is Well.

So, the underside line is that speculation do you experience good. And, when you experience good, your quiver is high. And, as we cognize from Law of Attraction, when your quiver is high, you're a lucifer to your desires. Feeling good and manifesting your desires - that's the Magic of Meditation!

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Hallo Bryan,

great article.

Richard / Germany
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